For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
Dear Potential Intern,
We are so thankful that you are taking time to prayerfully consider applying to spend the summer in Romania as an intern. Our goal is that God will be glorified in and through each intern that comes to serve alongside us.
We are excited offer TWO types of internship this summer.
Internship to work with American Mission Teams in village ministries, as it has been in the past.
To Serve in our Homes Of Grace. You would spend the majority of your days with the residents and plan activities, Bible studies and outings.
We are SO excited to see how God uses you and grows you this summer!!
With Much Love ~Aaron & Robin Bruski


Interning with BIM this summer was extremely growing to say the least. The Lord taught me so much during my time in Romania and has continued these lessons as I have returned back to America. I learned what it really looks like to serve others humbly. I got to see the realities of missionary life, the good and the not so glamorous moments. I got to see God work in the lives of people (Romanian and American) around me.
Interning with Belief in Motion is filled with learning, serving, praying, playing with kids, dishes, giving, beauty, a little bit of laundry, and so much love. Interning with Belief in Motion is incredibly humbling, an unforgettable experience, and an honor.
My summer as an intern was one of the best summers I have ever had.
God taught me what it means to find my true satisfaction in Him & what it means to trust in his Sovereignty.
After interning with BIM, I wanted to stay longer and I want to do more.
This summer was an incredible one. Being an intern was truly humbling.
God revealed so much to me that will forever change my life.
My summer with BIM was everything I had hoped and imagined and maybe even feared that it would be. This internship will challenge and change you in ways that I cannot describe in a paragraph. You will become broken for the outcast; you will become rooted in the gospel in all aspects of your life and ministry. You will become a mission-minded individual -- whether you are in Romania or in the States. I think that is what makes this internship so great -- you learn to pursue a gospel-centered life, which will display itself long after you leave this internship.


We believe that a successful internship starts way before ever arriving in Romania. While in Romania, the days are packed full so it is imperative that our interns are prepared spiritually when they hit the ground.
We encourage you to have a support group of people to PRAY with and for you and to encourage you while you are in Romania.

While in Romania, you will continue to have opportunities to grow spiritually. One of the greatest ways God will grow you is by your service to those around you. You will serve the people in Romania as you work alongside the mission trips. You will also serve the mission through bible study participation and running the snack shop. You will serve the missionaries in whatever ways may arise. Lastly, you will learn to serve one another as you live on mission.

We are so thankful for the way interns serve, but we are even more excited about what God is doing in their lives. Our prayer is that God will use your internship for His glory and for your good not only while you are in Romania, but also as you follow Him wherever He leads.